Analysis of Life to the Full programme

13 September 2024
Last year, Voice of the Family launched Catholic Schools Watch to investigate and report on corrupting Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) programmes promoted by Catholic authorities in various parts of the world. During these investigations, we have had the opportunity to examine a closely guarded e-learning programme, Life to the Full, approved by the Catholic bishops of England and Wales and by the British Government. As feared, the bishops — willingly or not — are promoting the UK Government’s anti-Catholic “learning objectives”, among which, that children will regard contraception, abortion, same-sex marriage and transgenderism as positive life choices by the time they leave school.
Life to the Full is an e-learning programme reportedly used in over 80% of Catholic schools in England and Wales. The programme is, at best, substantially deficient and, at worst, outright dangerous, as time and time again it relegates true Catholic teaching to fulfilling both the letter and the spirit of the British Government’s “learning objectives”, set out in the Department of Education’s statutory guidance. This aims to shape children’s attitudes towards “choices in relation to pregnancy”, “sexual and reproductive health advice and treatment” and “the law (including the Equality Act 2010) as it applies to relationships”. Our analysis considers how Life to the Full endangers children in three principal ways:
- It contradicts, misrepresents or entirely omits Catholic teaching on basic morality, especially sexual morality.
- It undermines the rights of parents as primary educators and refers children to institutions with explicit ideological agendas.
- It breaks down the natural reserve and sense of shame of children, which are their best natural defence from sexual predation and occasions of sin.
If you live in England and Wales, and would like to receive a printed version of the analysis to give to concerned Catholic parents in your area, please write to Please also get in touch if you would like us to come to speak to parents in your area or if you would like to join us in acting to defend the faith and the family on the battlefield of education.
If you live outside of England and Wales, please take the time to read this important analysis and to let us know of similar programmes being promoted in Catholic schools where you live. And wherever you are in the world, please join us in praying for children and parents everywhere who are exposed to attacks against their innocence and integrity. We must also pray and make sacrifices for Catholic bishops, who carry a grave responsibility of teaching the faith in its fullness and of protecting their flock from all that attacks and undermines the truth about God and His creation.
Thanks to your generous donations, We have successfully raised the funds necessary to launch this campaign, but Voice of the Family is totally dependent on our supporters to continue our mission to restore the Catholic faith families everywhere, remembering the warning of our Lord: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)