Join Voice of the Family’s roundtable discussion at the eve of the Amazon Synod via live stream!
22 July 2019

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Voice of the Family will be hosting a roundtable discussion to address critical questions for the Church and for the family at the eve of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region, to be held in October 2019 in Rome.
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Voice of the Family was formed to assist bishops to uphold the Church’s teaching on the family at the synods on the family (2014-2015). During the course of the two family synods, the youth synod (2018), as well as throughout the preparations for the upcoming Pan-Amazon synod, there flows a continuous thread of ideas which, taking advantage of the various synod proceedings, propose a “new church” and a new concept of society.
At this stage of the so-called synodal process, the vision of the “new church” seems to aspire to a decentralised church that ceases to be universal. Such an umbrella-church could enfold a variety of beliefs and pastoral practices which may either support, obscure or choose to be silent about the perennial truths taught by the Church universally for two thousand years.
The vision of civic society in these synods seems to aspire to a Marxist-inspired model promoting an egalitarian and ecologically minded society – a vision which draws its spiritual foundation from Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato si, proposing that care for “our common home” be at the heart of our religious and moral life.
At our recent Rome Life Forum, Prof. Roberto de Mattei encapsulated the clear problems with these visions with remarkable precision:
“The New World Order is in reality worldwide chaos, which today has the colours of the Amazonia, the happy paradise in which indigenous peoples pass on the wisdom of the cult of nature, and the Earth Charter replaces the Declaration of Human Rights, now superseded by the tribal phase of the fourth and fifth Revolutions. The Amazonia has been elevated from a physical territory to a theological place, the object par excellence of geolatry, the cult offered to Mother Earth which embraces all creatures, animate or inanimate, where everything coexists and nothing is, because, once every inequality is eliminated, nothingness is revealed as the ultimate secret of the universe. The metaphysics of the nothing is the heart of the new religion.”
The “new religion” needs priests to administer it and the upcoming synod seems also to be paving the way to a radical change in holy orders by opening a discussion about the possibility of married priests as well as women being ordained to the diaconate.
Revolutionary processes have always sought to harm the Catholic priesthood. Priests, who are alter Christus, who administer the sacraments and preach the salvific plan of God for humanity, are the enemies of the revolution that rebels against God.
An attack on priesthood is also an attack on the family and vice versa. It is difficult, if not impossible, for the family to teach its children faith and morals without the support of the teaching Church. It is difficult, if not impossible, to raise holy priests for the service of the teaching Church, if families are unable to pass on the faith to their children.
These and similar concerns will be addressed at the Roundtable on 4 October by representatives of faithful Catholic media who, having followed the synods from 2014, are in a position to discuss the common agenda at work at each stage and what or who is driving this agenda.
The participants come from different countries to give a voice to the family – to individual human families that are the strongest protector of children, both born and unborn, as well as to the Church family which, with the help of the Sacraments, the Commandments and the Gospel, orders the spiritual life of her children striving for heaven. As members of the Body of Christ, His Church on earth – with love for the head of that body, who is Christ, the immutable Truth and Word Incarnate – we need to give a voice to the Truth, to the Word, even when many in authority in the Church remain silent. “Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” (Eph. 4: 15-16)
The roundtable will be held in English, with simultaneous translation into Italian. The session will also be live streamed. Details will be available on Voice of the Family and
The discussion will begin at 3pm and conclude at 6pm (GMT+2).
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Participants of the roundtable include:
Riccardo Cascioli (La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, Italy)
Prof. Roberto de Mattei (Corrispondenza Romana, Italy)
Dr Taylor Marshall (author, USA)
Michael Matt (The Remnant, USA)
Jeanne Smits (journalist, France)
Marco Tosatti (Stilum Curiae, Italy)
José Antonio Ureta (TFP, France)
Michael Voris (Church Militant, USA)
John-Henry Westen (LifeSiteNews, Canada)
The discussion will be moderated by John Smeaton, Chief Executive of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (UK) and co-founder of Voice of the Family.