Catholic Schools Watch: Summer 2023
1 June 2023

Voice of the Family pleased to launch Catholic Schools Watch, a Voice of the Family newsletter, which reports on corrupting Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) programmes promoted by Catholic authorities in various parts of the world — and calls on Catholics everywhere to give witness and to take vital action now.
Articles in this edition of Catholic Schools Watch report that:
- Catholic bishops are promoting a training docuent for teachers which falsely equates homosexual relationships with sexual relationships between a man and a woman (which, properly understood, belong exclusively to the married state)
- Catholic elementary/primary school children as young as five years old are being indoctrinated with the LGBT propaganda in children’s books such as Are you a boy or are you a girl? — falsely suggesting that they may choose to be either — and that such books are being promoted by Catholic archdioceses
- Children in Catholic high/secondary schools are being told be to “open-minded” about abortion in educational resources promoted by the bishops.
Every article in Catholic Schools Watch ends with suggested action you can take.
The danger to the Catholic faith and to the innocence of children is all the graver when the attacks come from the shepherds of the Church, whose primary responsibility is to go into the world “and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mk 16:15).
We hope that Catholic Schools Watch will inspire you to take action by:
- Checking your local Catholic school’s website for information on their Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education policies
- Raising any concerns you may have with the headteacher, parish priest, or bishop
- Keeping Voice of the Family informed so that we can share your experience through our outreach
Above all, there is the need for prayer and sacrifice.
All Catholics, whether or not we are parents, have a duty to speak out against calculated assault on the innocence and healthy development of children, and to pray and fast for bishops, remembering the words of Our Blessed Lord:
“And whosoever shall scandalise one of these little ones that believe in me: It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea.”
Mark 9:41
Please read Catholic Schools Watch and take action to protect the innocence of children. Please also forward or print and distribute it to others who you know will take action.