Voice of the Family conference for young Catholics 2018: texts and videos available
16 December 2018

From 19-21 October around fifty young people gathered from across the world for the Voice of the Family weekend of prayer and formation in Rome entitled Created for Heaven: the mission of Catholic young adults in today’s world.
The weekend, which coincided with the Vatican’s Youth Synod, comprised of formation for a new generation of Catholic leaders, a pilgrimage to holy sites in Rome and forging a fellowship in faith to support one another in up-holding Catholic teaching on life and the family in the public square.
Click here to see the photos.
The videos and texts of all talks delivered over the weekend can be viewed through the links below.
Prof. de Mattei: “There is only one way to be happy: be holy”
Fr Anthony Pillari: Young men, you can only truly lead if you are willing to imitate Christ in his suffering
Varro Vooglaid: Restoring the militant spirit is our fundamental duty as faithful Catholic men
An Carmelite Nun: Reflection on the vocation to the contemplative life
Virginia Coda Nunziante: Countering the challenges of today’s society as Catholic women