The Purification of Mary (2 February)

From The Glories of Mary.

Mary’s Great Sacrifice in Offering Her Son

The Old Testament had two laws concerning first-born sons. The mother had to be purified for forty days and the son had to be offered to God. Even though she needed no purification (since she was a virgin), Mary obeyed both laws.

“After her days of purification were completed, they took Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord.” (Lk 2:22). Mary’s offering was different. Other mothers redeemed their sons and had no fear that their son would die. Mary offered Jesus, knowing that her sacrifice would be accomplished on the cross. By offering her Son, Mary sacrificed her entire life to God. Let us consider the greatness of this sacrifice.

Mary’s Consent Needed

The Eternal Father had already decided to deliver man from eternal death. He also willed that His divine justice would have full satisfaction. So that the penalty would be paid in all its severity, He did not spare His Son. “He did not spare His Son but gave Him up for all.” (Rom 8:32). So, he sent His Son to earth and chose Mary as His mother. Mary had to consent both to Jesus’ conception and to His death. In this way, her heart would also be sacrificed. “Since Jesus was innocent and did not deserve punishment, He could not be condemned to the cross without His mother’s consent.” (St Thomas).

At the Annunciation, Mary gave this consent, but God wanted a solemn sacrifice in the Temple. She is “a priest” (St Epiphanus) and we can see what this cost her. She wrote the sentence of death for her Son. So, when Jesus was forty days old, she goes to Jerusalem, carrying her beloved victim. She enters the Temple, goes to the altar and humbly presents her Son to the Most High. Meanwhile, Simeon (enlightened by the Spirit) announces to her the cost of her sacrifice. She would be sacrificed with her Son.

The Source of Bitter Grief

The holy Simeon grew troubled at having to give this prophecy. St Thomas of Villanova says, “Mary asked him ‘Why are you troubled?’ Simeon replies, ‘I do not want to announce this news but God wills it. So, listen. This child who now gives you such joy will one day cause you a bitter grief which no creature in the world has ever experienced. You will see Him persecuted and put to death before your eyes. After him, many martyrs will also suffer and die in their bodies. Thousands will be torn to pieces but in the sorrows of your heart, you will suffer more than all.” Compassion will be the sword “which thy own soul shall pierce.” (Lk 2:35).

Mary’s Knowledge

Mary knew Scripture and knew the sufferings of the Redeemer. She knew he would be betrayed by the one “who ate bread” with him. She knew he would be abandoned. “Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.” (Zach 13:7). She knew he would experience contempt. “I have given my back to those who strike me.” (Is 50:6). She knew he would be insulted. “I am the reproach of men.” (Ps 22:7). She knew his flesh would be torn. “He was wounded for our sins.” (Is 53:5). She knew He would be disfigured. “There is no beauty in him.” (Is 53:5). She knew he would be pierced with nails. “They have pierced my hands and my feet.” (Ps 22:17). She knew He would die for our salvation. “They look upon Me whom they have pierced.” (Zach 12:10).

Mary’s Consent

She knew all of this about the Redeemer. When Simeon said “Your own soul a sword shall pierce”, God revealed to Mary all her sufferings. She consented to do all this with a constancy that amazed the angels, “I sacrifice my Son to you. I agree that he should lose his life for the salvation of the world. I give my own heart to be pierced at the same time as you please.” O victory of Mary which deserves the admiration of heaven and earth.

Mary’s Silence

At the passion, Mary was silent and said nothing to Pilate (even though he wanted to release Jesus). She was with Jesus, from the first moment he was nailed to the cross, “His Mother stood by the cross of Jesus.” (Jn 19:25). She stayed until his death was completed, doing all she could to complete the offering she made before Simeon.

Try to understand Mary’s suffering at the cross. A mother’s love toward her children is so tender that when they are about to die, she forgets all their faults and suffers inexpressible grief. Yet, a mother’s love is divided among all her children. Mary had only one Son, the most beautiful of all creatures. He was innocent and holy. He was God. Mary’s love was not divided. All was concentrated on Him.

Mary’s Sacrifice

How much this cost Mary! What strength she had to have to sacrifice such a loving Son. Mary, as Mother of God, is the most fortunate of mothers, but, at the same time, is the most afflicted. From the day of his birth, she saw he was destined for the cross. What mother would accept a child when she knew she would lose him to such a horrible death at which she would be present? Yet, Mary accepts all this. She offers him with her own hand and sacrifices him to Divine Justice.

“Mary would have more willingly accepted the pains for herself.” (St Bonaventure). In this offering, Mary suffered more than if she herself had been crucified. She surpasses all the martyrs in generosity. They gave their own lives. She gave her Son’s, whom she loved more than her own. Because Mary always had these memories of Jesus’ crucifixion, her sufferings did not end at Jesus’ death.

She even suffered greater anguish because Jesus was so gracious. O Mary, if you just loved Jesus less or he loved you less, your sufferings would have diminished. No mother and son ever loved each other more than you and Jesus. O God, if we see the beauty of the Christ  child, would we have the courage to offer him? Yet Mary offered her innocent son to the most painful of deaths.

After Simeon’s prophecy, your eyes could see the outrages he would endure. You saw him scourged, crowned with thorns and nailed to the cross. O Mother, you will rescue him from King Herod only to keep him for a more sorrowful end.

Always on Her Heart

Mary renewed her temple offering every day of her life. She revealed to St Bridget, “The sorrow of Simeon’s announcement never left my heart until I was assumed into heaven.” “O Lady, how could you endure such sorrow for even a moment. Only the Spirit of Life sustained you.” (St Anselm). “She died while she lived, enduring a sorrow more cruel than death.” (St Bernard).

Because of this great sacrifice, Mary is justly called “the repairer of the human race,” “the redeemer of captives”, “the liberator of our calamities”, and “the mother of the living”. “The will of Christ and of Mary were united. They offered the same sacrifice and produced the same effect, our salvation. Jesus, by satisfying for sins. Mary, by applying this satisfaction to us.” (Arnold). She can be called “the Saviour of the world” by the pain she endured. She merited that the graces of the Passion be given to men by her prayers.

Greater than Abraham’s Sacrifice

Because Mary is the Mother of the Redeemed, the graces to eternal life come through her hands. “When God redeemed the human race, he put the whole price in Mary’s hands.” (St Bernard). The Redeemer’s merits are applied by the Virgin’s intercession. She has charge of the fruits of Jesus.

Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac so pleased God that he “would multiply his seed as the stars of heaven” (Gen 22:16–17). So, by Mary’s noble sacrifice, God granted that the number of the elect would be multiplied.

Simeon knew that he would not die until he saw the Messiah (Lk 2:26). This grace came through Mary because, in her arms, he found the Messiah. We find Jesus only in Mary. Let us go to her with great confidence.

Mary appeases any irritation Jesus has with us. Alexander the Great said, “A single tear of my mother cancels all accusation.” Lucifer knows that her tears make Jesus forget all the accusations against a sinner. Mary revealed that on every feast of the Presentation, she grants some sinner a great grace. Perhaps, we may be that soul. “The Son can deny nothing to such a Mother.” (St Bernard).


A young man had committed many shameful acts and despaired of his salvation. He had hated God and had received Communion sacrilegiously, so he could trample on the host. Later, he entered a Church and experienced sorrow for his sins and a desire to confess. Someone was leading him by force. During this good confession, the priest asked if he had had any devotion to Mary. “Father, I did nothing.” “Think again”, said the priest. The young man remembered that he wore the scapular. The priest said, “This Church is dedicated to Mary.” The young man began to weep, finished his confession and gave permission for the priest to publish his story anywhere.


Mary, I entirely trust you, because you gave your Son to death for me. I would offer my heart to Jesus but it is so full of sins, He may refuse it. If you offer it, He cannot refuse. Mary, do not abandon me. Remind Jesus that I am your servant and have placed all my hope in you.

